Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Star Spangled's a wrap!

Jeff at his Uncle Sam best

Uncle Sam wants YOU to know that we had one of the best days ever at the 2009 Star Spangled SpecTAPular!

While the Silver Fox has eloquently related what went down on 4th July at both Darlo and St Kilda, I gues I just have a few minor points to add...

First and foremost, I think I'd just like to give all our beertenders and kitchen staff a huge THANK YOU for the fantastic effort they put in! Not only did they make both venues look, well, spectapular, but they went all out and made themselves all look pretty darn good too. They poured the beers, cooked and served the food and allowed so many of us to have a ball! Well done TEAM!!!

Benno - what a good boy scout!

Julian looking oh so American

Alex, our naughty sailor and newest recruit - should we keep her?

Aside from that, I think it's also fair to say that the craft brewing industry in Australia is in pretty amazing shape. I agree whole heartedly that the brews available on the day would hold their own against practically any beer list in the world and I think all you brewers should be bloody proud!

P7040464 by you.
A pub full of happy beer loves

I got such a buzz walking around (dressed in my silly Evil Kanievel suit) listening to a pub full of people discussing the relative merits of porters versus stouts, IPAs versus APAs and whether or not real hazelnuts were used to make the popular Rogue Hazelnut Nectar. (In fact I just got a buzz walking around in the costume but that's not the point of this!). It's so great to hear people embracing and delighting in better beer!

And a special mention also has to go to Rogue Ales. WOW! Some pretty damn awesome beers. We practically ran out of every one of them across both venues as everyone clamboured over themselves to try these first-time-on-tap-in-Australia delights. Thanks Dave for all the great beers and the awesome merchandise too.

Me, Evil K feeling the effects of a very long day!

All in all an brilliant day had by all! I'm looking forward to the Octoberfest SpecTAPular already...

If you want to chack out some pics, you can do so here. Keep an eye out for more as they get collected and added.


  1. Jordan - BEER MONSTERSJuly 9, 2009 at 11:02 AM

    Haha, great wrap up Evil. What a rad night, when quality and excess collide!

  2. Where are the photos from Merlbourne??
