Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Q & Ales a hit in St Kilda as part of Brooklyn Ale Stars

The first ever Q & Ales took place in St Kilda on October 18th as past of the Brooklyn Brewery Ale Star session. You can read more about Q & Ales here but basically we cross live to a craft beer identity somewhere in the world for an hour long discussion in front of a live audience.

Garrett Oliver, Brewmaster at Brooklyn Brewery, was our first guest and what a cracker of a guest he was. After a slight delay caused by the brewery's internet connection being cut by someone working at a neighbouring building site (!), Garrett's face was beamed onto our big screen and we could hear him loud and clear.

Over the next hour, host G-Man chatted with Garrett about his career and heard many terrific anecdotes. Towards the end, as dawn broke in New York (Garrett obliged by panning his camera to the window to prove it), we wrapped up things with a shared tasting of BB's Sorachi Ace ale - Garrett tasting the beer there, the audience tasting the beer here. It was very cool.

Sadly, we heard from the production crew later that there had been a technical hitch and the footage was corrupted! Apart from these issues, the night was considered a great success - we even won over the sceptics! We are trying to interview Garrett again next year in the Darlo Taphouse and we have some other excellent guests lined up for more Q & Ales. Some of them will even be live in the Taphouse in person. Watch this blog for more..

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